Superior Recreational Products | Shade

Ansin Sports Complex
MIamar, FL, USA

Project Details

MIamar, FL, USA

Located in sunny Miramar, Florida, Ansin Sports Complex is a large 24-acre state-of-the-art sports complex that is home to a Class Two internationally certified track, community center, and other amenities. The complex is a popular spot for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, as well as for hosting events and competitions. To make the experience even more comfortable for visitors, the sports complex recently collaborated with Superior Recreational Products, a shade manufacturer, and their distributor to create a custom shade for the bleacher seating.

The bleacher area at Ansin Sports Complex is quite large, spanning over 250 feet. To cover this area, Superior Recreational Products chose a custom Multi-Dome Hip shade. This shade structure is designed for five rectangular canopies to share common posts, which minimizes the amount of obstructed views of the field. The custom design of the shade structure ensures that visitors can enjoy the games and events without being bothered by the sun's glare or heat.

One of the main advantages of the Multi-Dome Hip shade is that it is the best way to shade large areas on a budget, especially for a project of this size. The seamless transition from one shade to the next provides a sleek overall look to the structure. The 261' x 37' five-dome hip shade features blue fabric and a white powder coat frame that compliments the existing track.

“The customer is very pleased with the end result. The finished product accomplished their shade goals while creating minimum intrusion and disruption during the construction because of the intelligent design of the shade structure that took into account existing site features that needed to be avoided to create a seamless installation,” distributor Paul Adrianse said. The end result is a beautiful and functional shade structure that enhances the overall experience for visitors to the Ansin Sports Complex.

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