Sustane Natural Fertilizer, Inc.

Golf Course Maintenance
East Lothian Scotland, United Kingdom

Project Details

Dunbar Golf Course
East Lothian Scotland, United Kingdom
Project Year

Suståne® Turf Revival

is the perfect product to speed recovery of stressed and damaged turf resulting from excessive traffic and compacted soils while also providing quick recovery following dormant growth periods.

"We’ve found using Suståne 6-2-4 Turf Revival, following on from Fescue over-seeding has given us exactly what has been required to gain sward recovery, good seed germination and survival rates, without that excessive flush of growth from the existing sward, which would have had a detrimental effect on the young seedlings germination and potential survival rates.

Within the last 18 months of using Suståne Turf Revival, we’ve also noticed an improvement in root-mass, something we previously have had issues with.

Turf Revival is giving us everything we want, and require to supplement our ongoing maintenance programme at Dunbar."

Paul Armour 

Course Manager

Dunbar Golf Course

East Lothian

Scotland, United Kingdom

Project Resource Files

Sustane Turfgrass Fertility Specifications for Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Nursery and Greenhouse Brochure
Turfgrass Brochure
Erosion Control Brochure
Turf Revival Research